
As a community group, Ancrum & District Heritage Society have set out three main projects that we think require further research, conservation and promotion. These include:

  • The Mantle (or Malton) Walls site at the foot of Ancrum Village

  • The Hogback Stone of Ancrum Kirk

  • Old Ancrum Bridge at Cleikemin

​We are also planning joining together with other organisations in linking a pathway around the borders.

Projects and research currently being undertaken by ADHS include :

• excavations at the Bishop’s Palace

• preservation of the Hogback Stone

• visitor interpretation around the village

If you have any old photographs, information, curios, documents or archaeological finds that you think might be of interest to the community contact us via email. You never know - perhaps that old image, lump of stone or piece of pottery might be a missing link in piecing together a forgotten past.

Mantle Walls

Nestled in a bend in the Ale water lies an enigmatic site. Long suspected to be the location of a residence belonging to one of the Medieval Bishops of Glasgow, and used by Alexander II for the signing of important documents. The Mantle Walls has captivated the interest of local residents for decades.

Hog Back Stone

In 2017 ADHS initiated an ongoing effort to raise funds to restore and conserve the Hogback Stone. On the 3rd August 2018 stage one began in the rescue of the stone. John Laidlaw and Sons Ltd lifted the stone very carefully and smoothly from its resting place for conservation.

Ancrum Bridge

A few years ago, Judith Coulson an (ADHS member) brought an extract of the Minutes of the Council of the Royal Burgh of Jedburgh to our attention. She though it would be worth investigation. Another of our members took some ariel pictures into the Teviot and saw the remains of an even older bridge underneath.

Further reading